The Little Bird Has Landed!


On January 15, 2018 a special little bird landed on earth.  Martin Luther King day became that much more special when Smedsmo Gråen and Vikkelsoe’s Kunst welcomed Sunnyside Smedsmo’s Colibri to our world.  This little saint is an old soul.  She came out ready to greet humans and dogs, be friendly and courageous, and take life in stride.  Out of a world-class set of parents, we are very excited to watch Colibri develop into all that she is capable of being.  She is strong, correct, straight and substantial.  With each day, we expect to greet a new spirit… that much further ahead!  



See what Colibri has done in her first week:    


We thank and congratulate Caitlin Andersen for giving Colibri a wonderful, loving home!