Njord Halsnæs
NFHR 08-7641-S / DK208333FJ0804972 / CFHA 3616
German Imported Red Dun Stallion
14.3 H, 1200#, Bone 9″
DOB: 6-06-2008
Hailing from the Halsnæs Kommune of Denmark, Søren Juellend is a well-respected man who judged 6-700 horses in his lifetime and was the home of up to 30 Norwegian Fjords at any given moment. He was instrumental in breeding Fjords from the short, stout farm horses that they once were to the more refined leisure horses that they are today.

Søren Juellend with Tone Halsæs
“The fjord horse has gone from being a small, robust and strong farm horse that would like to be cheap in feed, to being a slightly larger and more prosperous leisure horse. Today, I see the fjord horse’s biggest task in making horse people – understood in the sense that it must give new and less experienced riders good experiences, among other things with its friendly temperament.”

Njord in Denmark, 2012. Photo by Jørgen B. Rasmussen
Nicknamed Halsnæs from his calvary days, Søren used the name as his “farm post-script” given to every Fjord that he raised. As tradition had it, Soren’s red colt Nord was born under the Halsnæs breeding name in 2008 and approved in Denmark in 2012 with premium status.
Two years later, this beautiful red dun Norwegian Fjord stallion was also given premium status in Alsfeld, Germany after a long, rigorous inspection. Njord spent five years breeding, riding and driving at the prestigious Eitenmuller Family Farm in Mossautal, Germany from 2014 – 2019. He was a treasured best friend during that time. As one of the most frequented stallions with at least 85 progeny to his name, Njord has dozens of sought-after offspring all over Europe.

Njord at the Eitenmuller farm in Germany. Photo by Sabine Stuewer
In 2019, Jenny Barnes later imported this wonderful horse to Footnote Farm in Langley, BC, Canada where she trained Njord for frozen semen collection so that his genetics could be cherished for generations to come. In 2022, Njord made his final migration to the United States and is now under collaborative ownership between Footnote Farm and Sunnyside Farms (Montana/Arizona). We anxiously anticipate beautiful Njord foals for many years to come.
Njord has an exceptional mind paired with a lovely calm and gentle nature, true to Fjord character. He has outstanding body and movement to match which allows him to excel at any discipline and he again proved this in the Western, English and Pleasure Driving show rings in 2023 while in Arizona.
We’re excited to put him on the modern map for Fjord Breeding and bring back some of his bloodlines more common to Europe. Njord will, without a doubt, continue to put unbelievable foals on the ground and help to diversify and improve U.S. genetics.
Njord Halsnæs is available for frozen and fresh shipped semen as well as live cover service in Montana and Arizona at varied times of the year. Please inquire for location, pricing, contracts and booking. Private-treaty agreements for approved Fjord mares only.
Get to know Njord!
Njord’s Foreign Evaluation Scores
Parent Evaluation Scores:
Njord is of fine European Lineage. His father, Norsk Rånn, FJH 744, was approved in Denmark, 2007.
Scores: 10988 78 877
Overall Impression: 9
His mother is a beautiful red-yellow Denna Halsnæs FJ 10251. Twice honored as “yearling mare”.
She was the winner of the 2-year final in 2000.
Scores: 9, 9, 8, 9
Overall Impression: 9.
She was named FIRST Premium in Denmark.
Scores: 9, 9, 10, 8 8, 7 8, 6, 8
Overall Impression: 9
Njord’s grandfather is Pikant Halsnæs EFJH 667.
He received Elite status in Denmark, a medal for his offspring and the title “Stallion of the Year”.
Scores: 10999 99 899
Overall Impression.: 9
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We hope that our mission and this status will give donors the incentive to make sizable contributions to our cause.