Fjord Breeding Program
At Sunnyside Farms, we strive for what is different, unique, special, exotic, reliable and remarkable. You say “Fjords, driving, therapy and horses of a different color,” and we say… “check.” Look for disposition, conformation, and movement and you’ve got your basic ingredients. Top it off with quality, unique bloodlines and color, and you’ve got the icing on the cake! After looking long and hard, we’ve settled for only highly-evaluated and imported first-class grey-colored Fjord stock, and trained them to ride and drive! Any one of our horses will have the kind of disposition that’s worthy of therapeutic work and conformation to hold up for a lifetime.
Here in the United States, we have a bottleneck in our breeding pool of grey Fjord Horses. The problem is
that most of the grey dun Fjord Horses in America consistently have the same few stallions in their pedigree. At Sunnyside Farms, we are working to open the bottleneck by breeding our outstanding grey mares to imported or grey recessive stallions which will help to preserve the quality of conformation, movement and temperament, while also increasing the gene pool.
With less than 100 foals currently registered through the Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry (NFHR) * in
2016, the population of this great horse is at stake! We need to put reputable, quality foals on the ground and move them out into the world. It’s a great project and we look forward to producing many upcoming foals.

Who carries the foals?
Don’t forget the blessed broodmares who carry the foals for 11 months and contribute to over 50% of what you see at birth. Without the genetics, stoic nature, devotion and dedication of our lovely mares, we would have nothing to offer. Each of our mares not only has foals to birth, but they also provide therapeutic services, ride and drive.
Click Lilje’s image above to meet our beautiful mares
Each of our foals are imprinted at birth, handled daily, socialized, exposed to countless things and taught to halter, lead, load, pony, blanket, clip, brush, bathe, and trim. If you see a mare on our horses page that strikes your fancy, here is your opportunity to “design a virtual foal”!
Meet Our Boys!
Other Stallions Offered
…thanks to our friend Jenny Barnes at Footnote Farm!