Chris Siegle
Vice President – Speech/Language Pathologist, Director of Special Needs Resources
Chris Siegle is a retired Educational Speech/Language Pathologist and Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) students. In her thirty years experience with Minneapolis Public Schools, she wore many hats, including: Educational Speech/Language Pathologist (Pre-K-6th grade) in the DHH Program; District Program Facilitator (DPF) for the City Wide DHH Program (Pre-K-age 21); ending her career by returning to the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom (age 3-5) and home-based/family based services (birth to age 3), expanding her area of service to include DeafBlind students and their families. To have been part of an educational team consisting of Teacher; Physical Therapist; Occupational Therapist; Adapted Physical Education Director; Social Worker and Speech/Language Pathologist was the most energizing way to end a wonderful career.
Growing up in the Anaconda, Montana area, Chris moved to Minneapolis in May 1979. She would always return home to Montana, and did so in November 2016. In her retirement, she works with the Montana School for the Deaf and Blind (MSDB). and through a wonderful young student, Chris connected with Sunnyside Farms, Inc. and is excited to start another era of helping people in a magical way.